
Sunday, June 26, 2005

stop and smell the roses!

When I got home from work tonight, I went outside to look for the Little Dipper. I can always find the Big Dipper, but never the Little. Alas, it was too light from our security lights... so I sat down on the patio to enjoy the beautiful evening while I talked on the phone. As I was sitting there, I looked up at the sky through the arbor and I saw beautiful white roses gracefully poised over my head. I have been so rushed and so busy that I haven't taken two minutes to literally stop and smell the roses. I remember when my dad made the trellis for the little rose bush that mom so lovingly planted next to the patio. And now, it's a beautiful sight to see... The branches woven around the trellis, all the way to the top, spilling green leaves and white petals through the beams of the arbor.

And I'd missed it.

As I sat there, I remembered so many things that I had forgotten about my childhood and growing up. I won't even get into it now, but it was an extremly nice moment. Beautiful, serene and bittersweet....

All because of a rose bush.

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