
Lessons from Our Marketing Summit

Last month, I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend my company's marketing summit, which included many types of marketers from around our business and the world. We had a packed couple days, and the time spent helped spark some new ideas and relationships. Some of the takeaways I felt most beneficial are below. I've been told before that you have to ask, and an important part of asking is framing up the WIIFM for the person of whom you're asking something. Our CMO presented a framework that puts more structure around the process of asking, and I like that it's direct and brief. I guess he wants us to spend more time actually doing something rather than just talking about if/why we can!

1) Frame It - so other people can understand what you're doing & what you're asking of them (it's about discipline)
2) Make It Better - solicit input and feedback from trusted resources (it's about humility)
3) Overcome Obstacles - What do you need to overcome and how are you going to do it so that you can gain consensus? (it's about persistence)
4) Sell It - the best way to persuade a decision maker (it's about commitment)
What other steps or information do you think are important to include when asking for something at work?

Other general ideas that jumped out at me included:
- Create experiences for your customer, client -- whomever you are serving. The speaker’s example was the Library Hotel in New York City, which seems pretty awesome if you ask me!
- To successfully offer mass customization, you should modularize your offerings. This way, you can build and deconstruct, almost as though you're using Legos.
- Logic => Magic => Ignition
- Good ideas aren't about the, "Ah ha!" moment. They come from slow hunches and require long, slow development and clarification.


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